For the last 12 years, Carter Emmart has been coordinating the efforts of scientists, artists and programmers to build a complete 3D visualization of our known universe. He demos this stunning tour and explains how its being shared with facilities around the world.
This video is about Bells Theorem, one of the most fascinating results in 20th century physics. Even though Albert Einstein (together with collaborators in the EPR Paradox paper) wanted to show that quantum mechanics must be incomplete because it was nonlocal (he didnt like «spooky action at a distance»), John Bell managed to prove that any local real hidden variable theory would have to satisfy certain simple statistical properties that quantum mechanical experiments (and the theory that describes them) violate. Since then, GHZ and others have managed to extend the theoretical work, and Alain Aspect performed the first Bell test experiment in the late 1980s.
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This video is about a multistable perceptual illusion, similar to the hollow face illusion, whereby maps or aerial or satellite photos look upside down/inside out, ie, concave (valley) parts look convex and convex (mountainous) parts look concave. Just flip the images around and things will make a lot more sense! Its just because our eyes gauge depth based on the location of shadows, and the sun always casts shadows on the bottoms of things.
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Это видео о том, почему слова переворачиваются в зеркале влево и вправо (горизонтально), но не вверх и вниз (вертикально). Ответ связан с зеркальным отражением, как будто зеркала это окна в другой мир (как альтернативные вселенные, вывернутые наизнанку!), и непрозрачностью того, на чем мы пишем.
How is the chemical energy of gasoline transformed into kinetic energy of a moving car? And where does that kinetic energy go when the car crashes into something and stops moving?
Thanks to Ford ( for sponsoring this video.