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What Is The Speed of Dark?

Опубликовано 29 июля 2014 года Твиттер: www.twitter.com/tweetsauce
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здесь видео, в котором я рассказываю о скорости НАЖИМА: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Do1lm9IevYE

Огромное спасибо Мартину Арчеру за помощь в работе над этим эпизодом: www.martinarcher.co.uk/

И спасибо Гаю Ларсену за его теневую магию: twitter.com/guylar

музыка взята отсюда: www.YouTube.com/JakeChudnow
и отсюда www.audionetwork.com

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делаем луну выше: what-if.xkcd.com/13/

закат и тень Земли, а также фотографии пояса Венеры:


разные закаты в городе: weatherspark.com/averages/33125/Honolulu-Hawaii-United-States

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Parallel Worlds Probably Exist. Here’s Why

The most elegant interpretation of quantum mechanics is the universe is constantly splitting
A portion of this video was sponsored by Norton. Get up to 60% off the first year (annually billed) here: bit.ly/32SM0yd or use promo code VERITASIUM

Special thanks to:
Prof. Sean Carroll www.preposterousuniverse.com
His book, a major source for this video is Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and The Emergence of Spacetime

Code for solving the Schrödinger equation by Jonny Hyman available here: github.com/jonnyhyman/QuantumWaves

I learned quantum mechanics the traditional Copenhagen Interpretation way. We can use the Schrödinger equation to solve for and evolve wave functions. Then we invoke wave-particle duality, in essence things we detect as particles can behave as waves when they arent interacting with anything. But when there is a measurement, the wave function collapses leaving us with a definite particle detection. If we repeat the experiment many times, we find the statistics of these results mirror the amplitude of the wave function squared. Hence the Born rule came into being, saying the wave function should be interpreted statistically, that our universe at the most fundamental scale is probabilistic rather than deterministic. This did not sit well with scientists like Einstein and Schrödinger who believed there must be more going on, perhaps hidden variables.

In the 1950s Hugh Everett proposed the Many Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. It is so logical in hindsight but with a bias towards the classical world, experiments and measurements to guide their thinking, its understandable why the founders of quantum theory didnt come up with it. Rather than proposing different dynamics for measurement, Everett suggests that measurement is something that happens naturally in the course of quantum particles interacting with each other. The conclusion is inescapable. There is nothing special about measurement, it is just the observer becoming entangled with a wave function in a superposition. Since one observer can experience only their own branch, it appears as if the other possibilities have disappeared but in reality there is no reason why they could not still exist and just fail to interact with the other branches. This is caused by environmental decoherence.

Schrodingers cat animation by Iván Tello
Wave functions, double slit and entanglement animation by Jonny Hyman
Filming of opening sequence by Casey Rentz

Special thanks to Mithuna Y, Raquel Nuno and Dianna Cowern for feedback on the script

Music from epidemicsound.com «Experimental 1» «Serene Story 2» «Seaweed» «Colorful Animation 4»

A Journey to the End of the Universe

Could humans ever travel to other galaxies within their lifetime? The immense scale of the Universe seems to prohibit such voyages, after all the nearest galaxy is so far away that it takes light itself — the fastest thing in the Universe — 2.5 million years to complete the trip. Remarkably, there is a trick that might allow humans to accomplish this feat — join us today as we step onboard the constantly accelerating spaceship!

Written and presented by Professor David Kipping.

You can now support our research program and the Cool Worlds Lab at Columbia University: www.coolworldslab.com/support

0:00 — Prologue
2:57 — A Journey to Alpha Centauri
11:27 — Returning from Distant Shores
21:12 — Onward to the End

Further reading and resources:

► Lee, J.

The Odd Number Rule

Subscribe to our Curiosity Box! www.curiositybox.com
Learn more about our new Inquisitive Fellowship: www.curiositybox.com/pages/inquisitivefellowship

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Buddy the dog: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_Buddy_(dog)

Franz Ferdinands car:

The beginnings of World War One: www.khanacademy.org/humanities/world-history/euro-hist/world-war-i-tutorial/v/assassination-of-franz-ferdinand-by-gavrilo-princip

Galileo and the odd number rule: www.mcm.edu/academic/galileo/ars/arshtml/mathofmotion1.html

A GREAT book about the history of our understanding of how things move — including some great sections about Galileo: www.amazon.com/Discovery-Dynamics-Structure-Dynamical-Theories/dp/0195132025

Parity: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parity_(mathematics)


Colorado and its 697 sides: bigthink.com/strange-maps/colorado-is-not-a-rectangle

Washington State 96-97 handbook: web.archive.org/web/19970222053010/http://www.wiaa.com/handbook/art18.html

Washington state rules for allowed exceptions to the half-time or more enrollment requirement: apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?Cite=28A.225.010

Хаос. Эффект бабочки и проблема трёх тел [Veritasium]

Помощь проекту: vertdider.tv/to-support-us/

Согласно теории хаоса, детерминистические системы могут быть непредсказуемы. Мы знаем все законы физики, которым они подчиняются, тем не менее, мы не можем точно рассчитать их поведение в будущем. Небольшие неточности и погрешности в расчётах накапливаются, усиливают друг друга, раз за разом приводя к вычислительной катастрофе. Будто взмах крыльев бабочки в одном полушарии стал причиной торнадо в другом. А ведь таким системам не обязательно быть очень сложными, достаточно всего трёх элементов. Так возможно ли вообще что-то предсказать?

Перевод: Алексей Малов
Научный редактор: Леонид Вокин
Редактор: Елена Смотрова
Озвучка: Вадим Казанцев
Монтаж звука: Андрей Фокин
Монтаж видео: Джон Исмаилов
Обложка: Андрей Гавриков

Спасибо за поддержку на www.patreon.com/VertDider.
Озвучки Vert Dider выходят с вашей помощью:

Oleksii, Mikhail Stolpovskiy, Ігор Дорохов, Кирилл Басалык, Boris Bendikov, Dina vysotskaya, Sergei W, Михаил Панькин, Felix Kosoy Максим Sheridan Горлов, Anton Makiievskyi, Vladimir Grachev, Denis Titusov, Spartak Kagramanyan, Dmitriy Omelyansky, Konstantin Pesyakov, Olga Shistareva, Alex Katkov, Yehor Melnykov, Alexey Kukushkin, Пугачёв Пётр, Viktoria Kamerton_440 Alexandr Globov, space monkey, Vladimir Goshev, Fleur Gai, Vladyslav Sokolenko, Елизавета Pavel D, Иван Дьяченко, Olga Podolskaya, Yevhen Aleksei Masliukov, Eugene Tsaryk, Vladimir Gavriushov, Maria Burtseva, Aleksey Sazonov, Irina Shakhverdova, Anton Bolotov, Evgeny Vrublevsky, Katya Prokopchuk, AlterienСайт студии: vertdider.com

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Разрешение на публикацию: goo.gl/6n4dT7
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Источник: youtu.be/fDek6cYijxI

What Happens If The Earth Stops Spinning? | Zoo La La | Earth Unplugged

What would happen to life on the plane if the Earth stopped spinning?

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BBC Earth: bit.ly/BBCEarthYouTubeChannel
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Were Earth Unplugged and we make videos about the incredible natural world and the animals that live here — exclusively for YouTube. From animal behaviour in slow motion, educational videos, expedition films and beyond we’ve got you covered. Our planet is mind-blowing. Join us as we explore what it has to offer.

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Why Does The Earth Spin?

The Earth spins on its axis, completing a full revolution every day. By why does it do this? One of the most common misconceptions in physics is the belief that constant motion requires a constant force. So many people believe there must be some force in the Earth (e.g. gravity, centrifugal force) that keeps it spinning. In truth, no force is required because a fundamental property of mass is that it maintains its state of motion in the absence of external forces. This property is called inertia.