VSauce: Плоская ли Земля?

Переведено и озвучено: vk.com/public60480847
Оригинал с интересными ссылками в описании: www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNqNnUJVcVs

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Яндекс-кошелек: 41001106158836.

VSauce: Счет 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10...

Переведено и озвучено: vk.com/public60480847
Выпуск про восприятие времени с возрастом в озвучке: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiLSHbcyxKk
Оригинал: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pxb5lSPLy9c

Материально поблагодарить меня за озвучку можно через:
Яндекс-кошелек: 41001106158836.

Vsauce DOT. #20 Что такое Случайность?

Перевод на русский язык научно-популярного шоу Vsauce.
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Группа ВКонтакте: vk.com/vsauce_rus
Оригинал шоу: www.youtube.com/vsauce
Оригинал видео: www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7THJoRYA2c
Музыка: www.soundcloud.com/JAKECHUDNOW


Еще больше на Veritasium«Что НЕ является случайностью?»

Генерируйте случайные числа, используя атмосферные помехи:



подбрасывание монетки до тех пор, пока не выпадет «орел» 10 раз:

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«Случайность» как разговорное слово


Реально ли что-либо? [Vsauce]

Помощь проекту: goo.gl/zo4VqN

Где находятся ваши пальцы и откуда вы это знаете? Что вообще значит «знать» и где хранятся наши знания о реальном мире? А точно ли мир реален? Ответы на эти и другие вопросы пытается найти Майкл в своём видео.

Перевод: Никита Лашук
Редактура: Алевтина Поминова
Озвучка: Тим Эрна
Монтаж видео: Роман Казарцев
Обложка: Глеб Брайко

Спасибо за поддержку на www.patreon.com/VertDider.
Озвучки Vert Dider выходят с вашей помощью:

Mikhail Stolpovskiy, Makovskyj Danilo, Boris Bendikov, Dina Vysotskaya, Максим Sheridan Горлов, Anton Makiievskyi, Gurov D.A., Alexander Kalashnikov, Alex Derepasko, Vladimir Grachev, Spartak Kagramanyan, Dmitriy Omelyansky, Dmytro Kostochko, Kirill Khrulev, Vladimir Goshev, Vladyslav Sokolenko, Key Rebet, Уладзімір Пашкевіч, Mikhail Levitsky, Vadim Zubovicch, Aleksei Masliukov, Olga Polyakova, Ruslan Akhmerov, Vladimir Gavriushov, Maria Burtseva, Aleksey Sazonov, Evgenii Bakhmet, Никита Рыжков, Anna Gerasimenko, Дмитрий Мисюра, Руслан Островский, Андрей, Александр Фалалеев, Ilia Mardanov, Soz Nov

Сайт студии: vertdider.com

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Источник: youtu.be/L45Q1_psDqk

VSauce: вниз - это куда?

Куда всё падает? Почему объекты падают? На эти вопросы Майкл Стивенс попробует ответить, начав с азов и закончив общей теорией относительности Эйнштейна. По пути он превратит Солнце в черную дыру и заставит постареть карандаш. В итоге выдав прекрасное научно-популярное блюдо под соусом из необычных заключений.

Группа в вк: vk.com/public60480847
Оригинал: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xc4xYacTu-E
Донатить дублоны можно сюда: money.yandex.ru/to/41001106158836

The Banach–Tarski Paradox

Want more brain food? Want your house to become a museum? Now youre thinking: www.curiositybox.com

Q: «Whats an anagram of Banach-Tarski?»
A: «Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski.»

twitter: www.twitter.com/tweetsauce
Instagram: www.instagram.com/electricpants

Kevin’s Field Day video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zARMZ08ums

Field Day: www.youtube.com/channel/UCRPktNf5vnBR1J4e7t1RUVg

Deep dream animation by instagram.com/NaderMakki/

If you like it, youll love this video also by Nader: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ9j_z2kXI0

Chocolate illusion: mathandmultimedia.com/2014/07/22/explanation-infinite-chocolate-bars/

Chocolate illusion video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmBsPgPu0Wc

related Numberphile videos:

sizes of infinity (includes diagonal argument): www.youtube.com/watch?v=elvOZm0d4H0
infinity paradoxes: www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDl7g_2x74Q

Vi Hart on types of infinity: www.youtube.com/watch?v=23I5GS4JiDg

Sci-Fi Short Film “FTL" | DUST

A lone astronaut testing the first faster-than-light spacecraft travels farther than he imagined possible.

«FTL» by Adam Stern

Subscribe to the DUST Newsletter: bit.ly/signal_newsletter

#DUST #scifi #shortfilm

More About FTL:
Ethan Kane, a NASA Astronaut and decorated pilot, has recently retired from active duty to spend more time with his wife and young son. As he tries to adjust to a quieter life on the ground, he’s approached to fly one last mission...testing the first faster-than-light spacecraft. While the world watches, Kane takes The Longshot on its maiden voyage.

About DUST:
DUST presents thought-provoking science fiction content, exploring the future of humanity through the lens of science and technology. From timeless classics to cutting-edge movies, series, short films, and podcasts, DUST acquires, produces and distributes all content types.

Connect with the filmmaker:
Website: www.adamlstern.com/
Website: www.artifexstudios.com/

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Connect with FTL:
Website: www.ftl.film/

About Gunpowder Sky:
Creating content that resonates and impacts pop culture conversation, by empowering creators to take risks and experiment relentlessly in the pursuit of novel stories and formats.

Sci-Fi Short Film “FTL" | DUST

What Happens If The Earth Stops Spinning? | Zoo La La | Earth Unplugged

What would happen to life on the plane if the Earth stopped spinning?

Subscribe to Earth Unplugged for amazing animal videos — bit.ly/SubscribeToEarthUnplugged

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Big Questions with Maddie Moate: bit.ly/BigQuestionsWithMaddieMoate

Check out the other two channels in the BBC Earth network:
BBC Earth: bit.ly/BBCEarthYouTubeChannel
BBC Earth Lab: bit.ly/BBCEarthLabYouTubeChannel

Were Earth Unplugged and we make videos about the incredible natural world and the animals that live here — exclusively for YouTube. From animal behaviour in slow motion, educational videos, expedition films and beyond we’ve got you covered. Our planet is mind-blowing. Join us as we explore what it has to offer.

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This is a channel from BBC Studios, trading as BBC Studios, who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback: www.bbcworldwide.com/ContactWizard

Proof that "The Centrifugal Force" is not real! | Doc Physics

Centripetal force is needed to keep things moving in a circle. And why dont they want to? THEY JUST WANT TO GO IN A STRAIGHT LINE. REALLY. THATS ALL EVERYTHING WANTS TO DO.

P.S. If you have a masters degree or PhD in physics and would like to talk to me about rotating reference frames, Id love to. But this is not the right context. This videos purpose is to demonstrate inertia in inertial reference frames. You know, the ones where Newtons Laws apply. Yeah, those. Certainly youll agree that inertia is of the greatest conceptual importance. As a teacher, I have found that most people I meet do not have a conceptual understanding of inertia though they are able to recite Newtons First Law in a droning voice when asked. Words with no meaning. Blech.

BTW — Those who like accelerated reference frames and their challenges may enjoy this video about impending motion of rigid solids:
I made it. Maybe you like watching physics videos in your spare time.

And I will SORTA agree with you if you claim that theres a centrifugal force on the wood ring (as a 3rd-law counterpart to the centripetal force on the ball). I like Newtons 3rd as much as the next guy, but youre creating a REALLY shady definition. If we had no friction, the ring wouldnt even be moving. How you gonna define «center fleeing» for something that is not only not going in a circle...its not moving at all??!@?#$%?^$#?%$# But thats just a technical complaint. Really, I am just trying to convince early physics students that the BALL feels no outward force. Cuz trust me, THEY THINK IT DOES. Ask your mom — she may even think the ball feels an outward force. My people often predict that the balls path will curve OUTWARD from the circle. Thats what Im really trying to cure here. Love you, though! Keep warm this winter!