Why is the Apple Calendar so broken?

UPDATE: I’m hearing reports of calendar apps crashing quite severely. Please only experiment on non-vital apps as you could hypothetically lose data stored in them! But apparently if the app crashes and restarts don’t fix it: a forced restart will.

Proceed with caution, at your own risk, and report any findings!

Buy a physical book from Waterstones! bit.ly/humblepi_waterstones

ebook on Amazon: www.amazon.com/s?k=humble pi
Audiobook on Audible: www.audible.co.uk/pd/Humble-Pi-Audiobook/0241375509

Huge thanks to Nick Day and Ken Taylor who emailed me about this bug. If you find anything out, or know someone who might know, email me: matt@standupmaths.com

If you want to read the part of my book about this, here it is. (Dont tell anyone I let you have it for free.)

This is the video of me talking about the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the Los Angeles Air Traffic Control Route Center problems.

2^52 microseconds before 1 January 2001
www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2^52 microseconds before 1 January 2001
(yes, yes, it is technically off by a microsecond)

Type used to represent a specific point in time relative to the absolute reference date of 1 Jan 2001 00:00:00 GMT

Double-precision floating-point format on wikipedia.

— Nothing yet. Let me know if you spot anything!

Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset:

Toby ONeil
Nate Brown
Jordan Scales
Matthew Holland
Philippe von Bergen
Glenn Watson
Kevin Mannon
David Lake
Lucas Werkmeister
Jan Strohbeck

Support my channel and I can make more videos:

Filming and editing by Matt Parker
Music by Howard Carter
Design by Simon Wright

MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician
Website: standupmaths.com/
US book: www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/610964/humble-pi-by-matt-parker/
UK book: mathsgear.co.uk/products/5b9fa76f230ffa140094dc43
Nerdy maths toys: mathsgear.co.uk/

The 10,000 Domino Computer

Matt Parker and a team of Domino Computer Builders balanced over 10,000 dominoes in a carefully designed circuit. The result was a Domino Computer capable of automatically adding numbers. It can take any two four-digit binary numbers and return the five-digit binary sum.

Its a computer, made of dominoes.

Watch the Numberphile where Matt explains more of the maths: youtu.be/lNuPy-r1GuQ
As well as the secret Numberphile bonus interview: youtu.be/rEw2hE8ZRlY

There are free worksheets and teaching resources about binary numbers and logic gates here:

Computer design:
Matt Parker, Katie Steckles, Paul Taylor, Andrew Taylor, Siân Fryer

Ben Curtis, Becky Smedley, Mike Bell, Blair Lavelle, Andrew Pontzen, Jonathan Sanderson, Elin Roberts, Chris Roberts, Ben Ashforth, Gillian Kiernan, David Julyan

Thanks to Marieke Navin, Natalie Ireland, Nicola Frost and everyone at the Museum of Science and Industry who made this possible. www.mosi.org.uk/

Huge thanks to Jonathan Sanderson at StoryCog for making the video. storycog.com/

The Mathematics of Winning Monopoly

I talk to Hannah Fry and compare our mathematical investigations into playing Monopoly. I’ve put all my probabilities below.

You can buy a signed copy of Hannahs book on Maths Gear:

In the UK you can also get it from Waterstones:

There is a Kindle edition on Amazon:

How many different Youtube videos are possible?

Download the podcast of my BBC Radio4 show, Domestic Science (Ep1) www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02pc9x6/episodes/downloads

In this video I start with how many 256×256 greyscale images are possible and work my way up to the maximum number of possible YouTube videos.

Original question on twitter:

Here is our radio show on the BBC radio player. Let me know if it does not work for you.

Our Festival of the Spoken Nerd DVD and download:

Galaxy M81 image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ESA/Harvard-Smithsonian CfA

Music by Howard Carter
Design by Simon Wright

MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician
Website: standupmaths.com/
Maths book: makeanddo4D.com/
Nerdy maths toys: mathsgear.co.uk/

How To Count Past Infinity

my twitter: @tweetsauce
my instagram: electricpants

Sources and links to learn more below!

I’m very grateful to mathematician Hugh Woodin, Professor of Philosophy and Mathematics at Harvard, for taking the time on multiple occasions to discuss this topic with me and help me wrap my (finite) head around it.

I’m also grateful to David Eisenbud, the Director of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) and professor of mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley, for his help and for connecting me with Hugh Woodin.

And of course, big thanks to Brady Haran who created the “mile of pi” seen in this video and connected me with all these mathematicians in the first place. His channel, Numberphile, is superb: www.youtube.com/user/numberphile

BOOKS related to these topics that I used:

“The Outer Limits of Reason” by Noson S. Yanofsky: amzn.com/0262019353
“Infinity and The Mind” by Rudy Rucker: amzn.com/0691121273
“Roads to Infinity” by John C. Stilwell: amzn.com/1568814666
“More Precisely: The Math You Need to Do Philosophy” by Eric Steinhart: amzn.com/1551119099
“Satan, Cantor and Infinity: Mind-Boggling Puzzles” by Raymond M. Smullyan: amzn.com/0486470369

classic book that helps introduce concept of axioms: “Introduction to the Foundations of Mathematics” by Raymond L. Wilder: amzn.com/0486488209

Hugh Woodin speaking about infinity at the World Science Festival: youtu.be/KDCJZ81PwVM?t=29m45s

Names of large (finite) numbers: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_large_numbers


The biggest number: goo.gl/maps/7GWcpnzo7iG2

Fovant badges: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fovant_Badges

Battalion Park: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battalion_Park

A mile of pi [VIDEO]: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0r3cEKZiLmg

Wikipedia’s great visualization of ordinals out to omega^omega: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Omega-exp-omega-labeled.svg

as seen on: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordinal_number

this is also a good page about ordinals: math.wikia.com/wiki/Ordinal_Number

also: www.cut-the-knot.org/WhatIs/Infinity/Ordinals.shtml

and: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_type and en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well-order


[PDF]: www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~aar/papers/wigner.pdf

Large Cardinal game based on 2048: cantorontheshore.blogspot.it/2014/10/one-reinhardt-and-counting.html

Other good resources:



Superpermutations: the maths problem solved by 4chan

Join in the Superpermutation effort! The best place to start is the google group:

This is where Robin Houston does his real job: Flourish Data Visualisation

James Grimes video: Superpermutations — Numberphile

A lower bound on the length of the shortest superpattern
Anonymous 4chan Poster, Robin Houston, Jay Pantone, and Vince Vatter

«The Haruhi Problem»
More formally, «what is the shortest string containing all permutations of a set of n elements?»

Archived 4chan post. If you dont know what 4chan is: click with caution.

Nathaniel Johnston: «The Minimal Superpermutation Problem»

Superpermutations by Greg Egan

Robins tweet:
«A curious situation. The best known lower bound for the minimal length of superpermutations was proved by an anonymous user of a wiki mainly devoted to anime.»

LKH: Lin-Kernighan heuristic for solving the traveling salesman problem

— Not yet. Let me know if you spot anything!

Thanks to my Patreon supports who do support these videos and make them possible. Here is a random subset:

Thomas Hodnemyr
Jordan Scales
Håkan Johansson

Support my channel and I can make more maths videos:

Music by Howard Carter
Filming and editing by Trunkman Productions
Design by Simon Wright

MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician
Website: standupmaths.com/
Maths book: wwwh.umble-pi.com
Nerdy maths toys: mathsgear.co.uk/

Stand-up comedy about Equations That Correspond to Vortex Motions (aka "smoke rings”).

From our Festival of the Spoken Nerd show “Full Frontal Nerdy”. Available here: festivalofthespokennerd.com/dvd/

And these places.
ITUNES: itunes.apple.com/gb/movie/festival-spoken-nerd-full/id1144174820
GOOGLE PLAY: play.google.com/store/movies/details/Festival_of_the_Spoken_Nerd_Full_Frontal_Nerdity?id=H5k3yeJESu8
AMAZON VIDEO: amzn.to/2cqDrmN

Our show in London at the Soho Theatre will be the 11 to 21 January 2017. Full details and tickets: www.sohotheatre.com/whats-on/festival-of-the-spoken-nerd

Our complete listing of up-and-coming shows: festivalofthespokennerd.com/buy-tickets/

— This is a re-upload with the «Slightly Safer For Schools Soundtrack» audio track from the DVD for class use (the censoring is deliberately blatant/badly done). It takes out one naughty word!

Support my videos on Patreon:

Music by Howard Carter
Design by Simon Wright

MATT PARKER: Stand-up Mathematician
Website: standupmaths.com/
Maths book: makeanddo4D.com/
Nerdy maths toys: mathsgear.co.uk/