What Happens If The Earth Stops Spinning? | Zoo La La | Earth Unplugged

What would happen to life on the plane if the Earth stopped spinning?

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Why Does The Earth Spin?

The Earth spins on its axis, completing a full revolution every day. By why does it do this? One of the most common misconceptions in physics is the belief that constant motion requires a constant force. So many people believe there must be some force in the Earth (e.g. gravity, centrifugal force) that keeps it spinning. In truth, no force is required because a fundamental property of mass is that it maintains its state of motion in the absence of external forces. This property is called inertia.

Proof that "The Centrifugal Force" is not real! | Doc Physics

Centripetal force is needed to keep things moving in a circle. And why dont they want to? THEY JUST WANT TO GO IN A STRAIGHT LINE. REALLY. THATS ALL EVERYTHING WANTS TO DO.

P.S. If you have a masters degree or PhD in physics and would like to talk to me about rotating reference frames, Id love to. But this is not the right context. This videos purpose is to demonstrate inertia in inertial reference frames. You know, the ones where Newtons Laws apply. Yeah, those. Certainly youll agree that inertia is of the greatest conceptual importance. As a teacher, I have found that most people I meet do not have a conceptual understanding of inertia though they are able to recite Newtons First Law in a droning voice when asked. Words with no meaning. Blech.

BTW — Those who like accelerated reference frames and their challenges may enjoy this video about impending motion of rigid solids:
I made it. Maybe you like watching physics videos in your spare time.

And I will SORTA agree with you if you claim that theres a centrifugal force on the wood ring (as a 3rd-law counterpart to the centripetal force on the ball). I like Newtons 3rd as much as the next guy, but youre creating a REALLY shady definition. If we had no friction, the ring wouldnt even be moving. How you gonna define «center fleeing» for something that is not only not going in a circle...its not moving at all??!@?#$%?^$#?%$# But thats just a technical complaint. Really, I am just trying to convince early physics students that the BALL feels no outward force. Cuz trust me, THEY THINK IT DOES. Ask your mom — she may even think the ball feels an outward force. My people often predict that the balls path will curve OUTWARD from the circle. Thats what Im really trying to cure here. Love you, though! Keep warm this winter!

Where Do Deleted Files Go?

Follow Michael Stevens for neat things every day! www.Twitter.com/tweetsauce

MUSIC BY: www.YouTube.com/JakeChudnow

final song is «Midnight Sound» by Gareth Johnson / David OBrien
from: www.audionetwork.com

Lost silent films: www.silentera.com/lost/index.html

Wonders of the Ancient World: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Wonders_of_the_Ancient_World

What have we lost forever?


snapchat: www.snapchat.com/

Lenin and Trotsky doctored photos: www.tc.umn.edu/~hick0088/classes/csci_2101/false.html

Archived person-removal-service site: web.archive.org/web/20060212134125/http://www.digital-restoration.com/unwanted.asp

Google Ngram tool: books.google.com/ngrams

links to info about digital file deletion:


Melanie Willhide glitched photos (NSFW): www.slate.com/blogs/behold/2013/01/09/melanie_willhide_to_adrian_rodriguez_with_love_photos.html

Electronic waste dumps in Africa: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agbogbloshie

Paper-shredding: www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/explainer/2009/07/unshreddable.html

UNSHREDDER: www.unshredder.com/www/407/1001127/default.asp

Iranian reassembly of documents: www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-16036967

HEAT DEATH: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_death_of_the_universe

HEAT DEATH button on etsy: www.etsy.com/listing/58392676/ask-me-about-the-heat-death-of-the

entropy: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy

«The Last Question» by Issac Assimov: www.thrivenotes.com/the-last-question/

bleached flags on moon: www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/ApolloFlags-Condition.html


The Vsauce Holiday Box is here! Its full of exclusive Vsauce merch, cool science toys, and ALL Vsauce proceeds are donated to Alzheimer’s research!!! ORDER HERE: geekfuel.com/Vsauce


my twitter: www.twitter.com/tweetsauce
my instagram: www.instagram.com/electricpants

Gabriel’s horn:


Gabriel’s wedding cake:

PDF: people.emich.edu/aross15/math121/misc/gabriels-horn-ma044.pdf

Supersolid PDF: people.emich.edu/aross15/math121/misc/love-1989-supersolids.pdf

Zeno’s supertask paradoxes:


Staccato Zeno runner with no velocity/acceleration discontinuities: goo.gl/2mYdcT

General supertask reads:


Big book of collected supertask writing: books.google.co.uk/books?id=0AzP9WLLJLcC


Опубликовано 6 апреля 2013 года

Кликни, чтобы бесплатно подписаться! bit.ly/POIaN7
Линки на использованную информацию внизу.

Музыка Джейка Чудноу:

Чудесное видео от Veritasium о самой большой соломке в мире: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUmZrtiXDik

видео Vsauce ни о чем: www.youtube.com/watch?v=K93zcgFsynk

видео Vsauce об истощении запасов гелия (и о других вещах): www.youtube.com/watch?v=DU3OdTLuHf0

видео Vsauce о наготе в космосе: www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD08CuUi_Ek

набор и потеря веса Землей: gizmodo.com/5882517/did-you-know-that-earth-is-getting-lighter-every-day

набор веса Землей от солнечного света: image.gsfc.nasa.gov/poetry/ask/a11325.html

границы атмосферного давления: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suction

Плавучесть: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buoyancy

Плавучесть, обусловленная воздухом: www.madsci.org/posts/archives/2010-03/1267798222.Ph.r.html

прекрасная диаграмма земной атмосферы: library.thinkquest.org/C003124/en/atmos.htm

изображение метеорита, падающего на Землю: www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/multimedia/gallery/iss028e024847.html

статья о том, как космическая материя сходит в земную атмосферу: static.icr.org/i/pdf/technical/Moon-Dust-and-the-Age-of-the-Solar-System.pdf

Ссылки о дыхании и молекулах:



обмен веществ в тканях мозга: www.acnp.org/g4/gn401000064/ch064.html

Элементы, входящие в состав вдыхаемого и выдыхаемого воздуха: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breathing#Breathing_in_gas

The Brachistochrone

BRAIN CANDY LIVE TICKETS: www.braincandylive.com/tickets
Links to sources and to learn more below!
MY TWITTER: www.twitter.com/tweetsauce
MY INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/electricpants
THE CURIOSITY BOX: www.curiositybox.com/

Stan Wagon “Roads and Wheels” [PDF]: web.mst.edu/~lmhall/Personal/RoadsWheels/RoadsWheels.pdf

3Blue1Brown video, “The Brachistochrone, with Steven Strogatz”: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cld0p3a43fU

Pile of people visualization originally from this Vsauce1 video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6eOcd06kdk

Online spirograph: nathanfriend.io/inspirograph/

The Brachistochrone whistleralley.com/brachistochrone/brachistochrone.htm


Refraction of light:

Feynman on The Principle of Least Time: www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/I_26.html

cycloid as answer to brachistochrone: sinews.siam.org/About-the-Author/quick-find-a-solution-to-the-brachistochrone-problem-1

Music from:

Roulette animations by Eric Langlay www.youtube.com/c/ericlanglay

good relevant Wikipedia articles:


Wolfram demonstration projects used:

«Cycloid Curves» from the Wolfram Demonstrations Project
Contributed by: Sean Madsen
Additional contributions by: David von Seggern (U. Nevada, Reno)

«Shaping a Road and Finding the Corresponding Wheel» from the Wolfram Demonstrations Project
Contributed by: Stan Wagon (Macalester College)

Math Magic

Links to sources, more math magic, and other cool things below!
My Twitter: www.twitter.com/tweetsauce
My Instagram: www.instagram.com/electricpants

Thanks to Vanessa from BrainCraft! Check out her channel: www.youtube.com/user/braincraftvideo

Matt Parkers standupmaths channel: www.youtube.com/user/standupmaths

Matts video I mention: www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNpGxZ_1KXU

STEMMathsMagic channel: www.youtube.com/user/STEMMathsMagic

The STEMMathsMagic video I reference: www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-LO8zQ9eTs

STEMMathsMagic website (check out the manual!): www.mathematicalmagic.com/thetricks.html

mismag is amazing. He introduced me to MANY self-working mathematical tricks. Please check him out! www.youtube.com/user/mismag822

MUSIC in this episode is from:

Jake Chudnow: www.youtube.com/user/jakechudnow
zach mccoy: zachmccoy.bandcamp.com/
audionetwork: www.audionetwork.com

Shakespeare and Psalm 46:
