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Что же произойдет, если Венера станет второй Землей? Рассмотрим первый вариант терраформирования, описанный в Википедии. Плюс, мы попробуем этов новой версии Universe Sandbox 2!
Thirty years ago on February 24, 1987, observers in the southern hemisphere noticed a new object in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Today, we know this object as Supernova 1987A, and it was one of the brightest supernova seen in hundreds of years. Coupled with its relative proximity at about 160,000 light years from Earth, Supernova 1987A became one of the best opportunities ever for astronomers to study the phases before, during, and after the death of a star.
Since its discovery, telescopes around the world and in space have observed Supernova 1987A. This includes NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, which has looked at this object repeatedly during its 17 years of science operations.
From 1999 until 2013, Chandra data showed an expanding ring of X-ray emission that had been steadily getting brighter. This was produced by the blast wave from the original explosion that had been bursting through and heating the ring of gas surrounding the supernova.
In the past few years, there have been striking changes in the Chandra data. This provides evidence that the explosion’s blast wave has moved beyond the ring into a region with less dense gas. This represents the end of an era for SN 1987A. Since astronomers do not know exactly lies beyond the ring, they will be watching carefully what happens next.
Over the next few thousand years, the expanding shell of hot gas will continue to glow in X rays. Eventually after rumbling across several thousand light years, the shell will disperse. By doing this, the supernova spreads the heavy elements created in the star and possibly triggers the formation of new stars from a cold interstellar cloud. Using data from Chandra and other telescopes, astronomers will continue to learn more about the details of this very important process that is responsible for life as we know it.
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Our Milky Way may harbor millions of black holes… the ultra dense remnants of dead stars. But now, in the universe far beyond our galaxy, theres evidence of something far more ominous. A breed of black holes that has reached incomprehensible size and destructive power. Just how large, and violent, and strange can they get?
A new era in astronomy has revealed a universe long hidden to us. High-tech instruments sent into space have been tuned to sense high-energy forms of light — x-rays and gamma rays — that are invisible to our eyes and do not penetrate our atmosphere. On the ground, precision telescopes are equipped with technologies that allow them to cancel out the blurring effects of the atmosphere. They are peering into the far reaches of the universe, and into distant caldrons of light and energy. In some distant galaxies, astronomers are now finding evidence that space and time are being shattered by eruptions so vast they boggle the mind.
We are just beginning to understand the impact these outbursts have had on the universe: On the shapes of galaxies, the spread of elements that make up stars and planets, and ultimately the very existence of Earth. The discovery of what causes these eruptions has led to a new understanding of cosmic history. Back in 1995, the Hubble space telescope was enlisted to begin filling in the details of that history. Astronomers selected tiny regions in the sky, between the stars. For days at a time, they focused Hubbles gaze on remote regions of the universe.
These hubble Deep Field images offered incredibly clear views of the cosmos in its infancy. What drew astronomers attention were the tiniest galaxies, covering only a few pixels on Hubbles detector. Most of them do not have the grand spiral or elliptical shapes of large galaxies we see close to us today.
Instead, they are irregular, scrappy collections of stars. The Hubble Deep Field confirmed a long-standing idea that the universe must have evolved in a series of building blocks, with small galaxies gradually merging and assembling into larger ones.
Here at SpaceRip, we value the exploration of the unknown. We surpass boundaries for the sake of uncovering the mysteries of the cosmos and what they may tell us about our origin and our future. With our videos, we hope to educate our viewers on how we fit into the universe, and more so how we can do our part to better it.
We have partnered with MagellanTV with the goal of providing our viewers with insight regarding our uncertain future on Earth and beyond. Equipped with knowledge, we hope to inspire people to enact change and pave the way for a better tomorrow.
О Большом взрыве и взрывах сверхновых звезд рассказал д.ф.-м.н. Николай Чугай, зав. отделом нестационарных звезд и звездной спектроскопии Института астрономии РАН. Вселенная, какой мы видим ее сейчас, сформировалась в результате катастрофических взрывов разного масштаба. Прежде всего ее рождение — результат Большого Взрыва, который случился 14 миллиардов лет назад. Однако всё, что мы видим вокруг нас, — да и мы сами, — обязано своим возникновением взрывам сверхновых звёзд. Лекторий «Знание-сила» — совместный проект журнала «Знание-сила», Мемориального музея космонавтики и Студии Борей.
Если вы не астроном, то, скорее всего, не знаете, что звезды движутся очень быстро. Возможно, вы даже не догадываетесь, что они вообще двигаются. Если так, то для вас станет большим сюрпризом, что через нашу галактику летит звезда S5-HVS1, чья скорость превышает невероятные 17 000 км/с.
И как это бывает со многими ярчайшими открытиями, эта звезда была открыта по чистейшей случайности. Астроном Сергей Копосов просматривал данные исследования, когда заметил нечто необычное. Он искал звезды с сильно вытянутыми орбитами, а нашел звезду, которая бежала из галактики на рекордной скорости.
Это 50й выпуск Перезагрузки и Орёл и Решка. Перезагрузка. АМЕРИКА в 50м штате США — Гавайи. Настя Ивлеева и Антон Птушкин покажут вам все то, что не успелось 4 года назад, расскажут о главных достопримечательностях Гонолулу. А еще мы пролетим над гавайскими островами в вертолете без дверей, испытаем на себе местный популярный аттракцион тьюбинг, проберемся закрытым военным маршрутом «Лестница в небо» он же тропа Хайку и поплаваем вместе с голодными галапагосскими акулами!
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