Каждый атом во Вселенной притягивается к другим атомам. Благодаря этому существуют планеты, звезды, галактики… Гравитация — фундаментальное свойство нашего мира, и мы даже не задумываемся, насколько важную роль она играет в нашей жизни. Вряд ли она может бесследно исчезнуть, но если вдруг это произойдет, то последствия будут просто катастрофическими. Давайте попробуем их представить!
Gyroscope appearing to defy gravity. This is a different way to demonstrate the relationship between a spinning gyroscope, precession, pushing with and against precession and monitoring for any changes in weight on a scale. The ease of pushing on the rod in the direction of precession combined with the rise in the gyroscope is fascinating. The direction of rotation of the gyroscope rotor is shown in our video, Effect of Gyroscope Rotor Spin Direction on the Direction of Precession, youtu.be/ipdOr91CdEs.
His research in later years into Gyroscopes was, and still is, a topic of much discussion within the scientific community. Here, he demonstrates the principles of a gyro using a rather large and heavy wheel. Its spun up to speed with a normal household drill.
Huge thanks to A/Prof Emeritus Rod Cross, Helen Georgiou for filming, Alex Yeung, and Chris Stewart, the University of Sydney Mechanical Engineering shop, Duncan and co. Ralph and the School of Physics.
In this video I attempt to lift a 19kg (42 lbs) wheel over my head one-handed while its spinning at a few thousand RPM. This replicates an earlier experiment by Professor Eric Laithwaite. He claimed the wheel was light as a feather and could not be explained by Newtons Laws. I wanted to find out for myself what I really felt like.
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Отсутствие кислорода, сверхнизкое давление, жесткая радиация, жуткий холод. Как эти факторы будут влиять на человека, и какой из них окажется самым опасным?
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